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Crew doubles aboard space station

The International Space Station's crew has doubled after a Russian capsule carrying three astronauts docked at the orbiting outpost.

Category: Space


Nobel laureates compare climate crisis to threat from nuclear weapons

Prince Charles-hosted symposium says zero carbon economy is ultimate necessity and calls for urgent cuts in emissions

Category: Climate Change


**** the electricity bill, we've got to find that **** particle

"Simon Singh visits the Large Hadron Collider at Cern, where physicists will pull out all the stops in the autumn to beat their American rival to the Higgs boson"

Category: Big Science


The climate change debate is not a simple battle of good and evil

"These issues are more complicated than some would have us believe"

Category: Climate Change


Japan's earthquake rescue robot

"At the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor Shigeo Hirose is developing a robot that could help rescue survivors after an earthquake."

Category: Robotics

Displaying results 1196 to 1200 out of 2977